This is the video taken from the DOE Smart Grid Security Grant Recipients session at the
Smart Grid Security East Conference in March 2011. Please join us for the
EnergySec Smart Grid Security Summit from October 3-5, 2011 in San Diego, California.
Panel: The US Department Of Energy (DOE) Smart Grid Security Grant Recipients
The DOE has allocated substantial funds to both private enterprises and non-profit agencies in their quest to improve the security of our power grid. This public/private partnership is intended to capture the best and brightest and drive Smart Grid security to level it needs to be in order to ensure a smooth transition to a smart and stable infrastructure. Join this panel of DOE recipients and DOE sponsor representatives in a discussion of what we can expect as a result of this partnership.
Moderator: Mike Ahmadi
William J. Hunteman, Senior Advisor For Cyber Security, US Department of Energy
Seth Bromberger, Executive Vice President, Energy Security Consortium
Craig Miller, Project Manager, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)
Dr. Hal Aldridge, Director of Engineering, Sypris Electronics
Annabelle Lee, Technical Executive – Cyber Security, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)